Song Suggestions

Leave any song suggestions or songs you just want to share with us in the comments below. Try to include a link for it in the comment.

17 thoughts on “Song Suggestions”

  1. David Flores said:

    • I’ve actually considered this song before (it’s also in Spanish), hopefully we can add it to the song list soon!! This song is off of a great CD by Freddy Rodriguez called “Light in the Darkness” and he has a Spanish version of this CD (every single song) called “Luz en las Tinieblas.”

  2. i have a request for next week..”al rey” for next week….so i dont forget the intro

  3. Lol, actually sounds like a great idea!!

  4. Here is a song we all need to start learning…we will be doing it soon. It’s called “Vencedor”…The Spanish version is sung by Hector Sotelo. It is originally in English called “Overcome” and done by Desperation Band.

  5. I heard a David Crowder song in spanish the other day. I’m not sure what ots called but it goes “Ooooooh praise him. Ooooooo praise Him… Halleluyah. Halleluyah.” Or something like that. I think that would be pretty great to sing. And I know you’re a DCB fan so I thougt you should know(:

    • I know exactly which song you’re talking about…the Spanish version is sung by Rojo and it has some pretty awesome guitar riffs in it. I’m sure Joel will be happy to hear that. I’ll try to post a video of it here later on today or tomorrow.

      Believe me it’s on the to do list…the only problem is that the to do list is getting pretty lengthy 🙂

  6. I had a feeling you would!! We should get to it(:

  7. David Flores said:

    I suggest yall bless our church by playing one of the classics ! ! !

    I dont remember hearing it at New Life but they use to sing it in english at the church we use to go to.
    The love and message of this song just transmits and dont need to know alot of english to understand it……..

    Amazing Grace ( My Chains are Gone

    • Amen, bro.!! Actually we have sung that song, it’s been a while but maybe we can work it back into the rotation soon.

      Thanks for the suggestions it definitely helps us keep songs in mind.

  8. I think this song is AWESOME & think id be a great song to sing after a preaching having to do with GOD’s power etc etc… 🙂

  9. I like my translation better… 🙂

  10. Alaba A Dios, Danny Berrios

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